Bondage Boutique Bound to Please Red Under-Mattress Restraints


Heed the call of the bondage siren within you when you add these red under-mattress restraints to your play. Turn any situation into a kinky one by attaching your easy-to-use set to any bed and adjusting the straps to suit your lover’s body. Strap them down and go to town on your mutual fantasies as you dominate their pleasure. The control is in your hands but the pleasure is in theirs with soft, adjustable Velcro wrist and ankle cuffs, which allow for comfortable and long-term wear. Kiss, stroke, lick, paddle, flog or spank until your partner has reached their peak. Suitable for almost any size bed (including super king) the cuff straps each extend to 4 feet 2 inches, while the connecting strap extends to 4 feet. Webbing: 100% Nylon Cuffs fabric: 100% Polyester Buckle: 100% POM Dog clip: 100% Zinc Alloy O-ring: 100% Iron

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